My Goals for the New Year

this year i plan to get absolutely jacked. like totally yolked. chris hemsworth will look at me and be like, 'damn, he shredded as heck!'

this is what i will look like in december trust bro:

extremely jacked dude

I have four goals.


This year, I mainly plan to improve my sleep schedule. I get nearly no sleep and it makes it difficult to read things for my classes. I literally can't read a book for English without falling asleep at some point. This is probably the most important resolution I have and the one I will put the most effort towards achieving.



Nutrition and Health

In addition to sleep, I would also like to start making more health-conscious decisions when it comes to what I'm eating. My nutrition right now is poor and could definitely use improvement. I think that this is a very important goal and I will continue to work towards this throughout the year.


I want to start being more productive with my schoolwork and with things that I want to learn how to do. A good first step towards better productivity would be to begin my homework as soon as I get home, instead of putting it off until right before I go to sleep and thus making me stay up longer (which connects to my first goal).




My final goal is to maintain what I already have. I got good grades in the first marking period and I would like to keep those standards for the rest of the second and beyond. So far it is going well. Later during the year my most important goal will be to score at least a 3 or higher on my two AP exams.

How will I get there?

For the first three months of 2021, I will skew my focus on certain goals. I will put the most important goals to me at the forefront of my attention and put less important goals on the backburner. The most important goals are my sleep and my productivity. These will garner the majority of my attention because grades are already where I want them to be; my goal for this portion of the year is simply to maintain them.

For the next three months, I will shift my attention to academics. The AP tests are in May, so I will need to focus the majority of my time on school to ensure that I perform well on my exams. Additionally during this period I will shift a little bit more of my focus onto nutrition. This does not mean that I will completely ignore my nutrition until March; rather, it means that I will focus on my other goals more.

For the period of three months after that, school will be over. Thus, I will not worry so much about productivity or school and mostly focus on nutrition and sleep. The summer is when I stay up the latest, so getting sufficient amounts of sleep will be my top priority.

For the last three months of the year, all four goals will be of equal importance to me. I will need to be productive and get enough sleep to get good grades because I want to take hard classes next year. My nutrition will also receive equal attention.

Those are all my goals! Happy new year!