My Summer Vacation

What did I do this summer?

Where did I go?

I went to the beach, Long Island, and New York City. I stayed with my Grandma in Long Island for three or four days at the beginning of August. I took the train back to the city with my cousin (who lives there), where he showed me around Lower Manhattan. We walked around for about three hours. The highlights of the mini tour are:

  • Hamilton's grave at the Trinity Church Cemetary
  • Federal Hall, where Washington gave the first Inaugural Address
  • The Charging Bull and the Fearless Girl statues
  • Battery Park, where we saw the Statue of Liberty from the water
  • The 9/11 Memorial
  • The Freedom Tower
  • Wall street

What did I do?

Throughout the summer, I rode my bike many times, and I swam in the pool a lot. I also practiced my Spanish skills because I decided to take Spanish 4 this year in school, and I didn't think I'd do well if I didn't practice. At the end of August, I took my driving lessons with an instructor and received my permit about a before school started. I spent that driving around and practicing.