About Me

Learn more about me!

I'm Tyler.

Who am I?

I'm a sophomore at Freehold Township High School. I've made many websites in the web design course I'm enrolled in. If you want to see a selection of these sites, visit the My Work page. Keep reading to learn more about me!

Likes and dislikes

The table below is a list of things I do and don't like.

Thing Do I like it or dislike it?
Bike riding Like
Mangoes Dislike
Swimming Like
Spiders Dislike
Coding Like
Roller coasters Dislike
Bread Like
Hot weather (80°F+) Dislike
Pizza Like
The CodeHS UI Dislike
Crab Like
People with no drip Dislike
My Dogs Like

Here's a video I really like:


I like playing video games, hanging out with friends, and trying to learn languages.


I can code basic websites using HTML and CSS (obviously). También sé un pocito español (lo aprendí en escuela). I also play a little bit of piano and guitar (not much, though).


I am interested in coding, linguistics (and language in general), 3D printing, music, and grammar (kind of swag).

My Dogs

my dogs

These are my dogs. Hover over the image to make it more colorful!

And that's it!

That's all you need to know about me. If you want to see the work I've done, you can visit the My Work page.

If you want to contact me, click this button! → Email me!