Join us for our virtual movie showing!

Full HD Streaming

The movie will be streamed in full HD! And it's FREE!

CC in 100+ Languages

Viewers will be able to watch the movie with captions in their language!

Highly Rated

Our movie was rated 5 stars by the New York Times!

Sense of Community

When you join the viewing of our movie, you will instantaneously be connected to an international community of people who all adore this film. There will also be a live chat available for you to put your reactions and see others' responses to the film.

Rated 5 Stars by the New York Times!

Extremely credible journalists at the popular newspaper and news site the New York Times (heard of them?) have rated our movie 5 stars out of 5. This is the highest rating a movie can get.

Famous people like us, so you should too!

Our movie is the official sponsor of Dude Perfect!

What people are saying...

Tyler Jackson "Richard Tyler 'Ninja' Blevins" Morris

"Pretty good movie G (not biased)"

Martin Scorsese
Martin Scorsese

"Better than anything I could direct."

Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio

"I should not have turned this movie down. Blunder of the century."

New York Times Logo
The New York Times

"Five stars."

Cory from Dude Perfect
Cory from Dude Perfect

"Awesome movie. Absolute masterpiece."

Manish Annaravindran
Manish "🍇🍇" Annaravindran

"Nice! 👍"

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